First Parcels have ARRIVED in UKRAINE!

The first 166kg of aid has arrived in Ukraine!!!

Today, 30 children as they usually do every month, for the past 7 years, celebrated their birthdays together in a setting outside of their orphanages.  Some of our toys and items were distributed amongst the children as presents.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF YOU!

Your amazing gifts and donations are starting to make their rounds to their homes, into the lives of children who have been living through poverty, through abandonment, through illnesses, through loneliness and hardship.  These donations are putting smiles literally on hundreds of children's faces.  

Families who have been struck by poverty, by enormous medical bills, by misfortune are receiving your donations with open arms.  Our kids in Ukraine are being fed by your donations, are being kept warm because of your contributions, are being cared for in hospitals because of the financial support you are providing.

We wanted to thank you all from the bottom of our hears and post some pictures to provide you with updates on where the donations are and who is receiving them.  This is just the beginning, but we've ALL ALREADY MADE SUCH AN IMPACT!  LET'S CONTINUE and KEEP THIS EFFORT GROWING.

Please consider supporting, sharing, donating! Anything and everything helps.  In addition to these parcels, money have been sent to Ukraine for medicine purchases, for rehabilitation and treatment, for a purchase of a TV to a children's hospital and many others.  

Thank you! You are tremendous change agents and we can't thank you enough!

Alinka's Story and Your Donations at Work!

Your donations are saving children!

Meet Alina. She is 8 years old and has a brother and a sister. She is from the Ivano-Frankivsk region and is being taken care of by her grandmother. Her mother abandoned all 3 kids and when Alina was 3 years old, her stepfather beat her and smashed her head against the cupboard until she fell into a coma. When she woke up, she was disabled - unable to see, sit and walk. Now in addition to all those ailments, she started having severe epileptic seizures. Alina is in constant need of rehabilitation and will soon be heading to Odesa for some treatment.

Yesterday, thanks to all your contributions we, on behalf of Stream of Hopes sent $420 dollars that were combined with the $80 left over from last transfer and these $500 dollars (10,000 hryvnia) took care of her 2 week rehabilitation in Chernivtsi.

We would like to thank all those who are contribution and supporting our efforts. It is because of you that kids like Alina have a chance at being less in pain and more comfortable given their tough situations. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS.

Ви спасаєте дітей!

Познайомитеся з Алінкою. Їй 8 рочків. Має ще братчика і сестру. Вона сама з Івано-Франківщини і за ними доглядає і піклується бабця. Алінку покинула рідна мама, а коли їй було 3 рочки, вітчим товк іі голівкою об сервант поки маля не впало в кому. Тепер дитина інвалід, вона не бачить, не сидить і не ходить, а зараз добавилися сильні напади епілепсіі.  Алінка потребує постійних реабілітацій , скоро вона збирається в Одесу. 

Вчора завдяки вашим пожертвам, ми від імені Потічка Надій переслали їй на реабілітацію $420 доларів  з минулої пересилки було ще залишилося $80 і ці $500 доларів (10,000 гривень) допоможуть цій дитині перебити реабілітацію в Чернівцях.

Дякуємо всім хто не байдужі і допомагаєте чим можете. Ми Вам Всім низько кланяємося!

"Stream of Hopes" Story Gets a Full Page Write Up in UCC SK Spring Visnyk

Ukrainian Canadian Congress Saskatchewan Provincial Council has released their spring Visnyk

We would like to thank them oh behalf of all of the people involved in our efforts for including the write up about our group and volunteering efforts in their spring Visnyk!

We really appreciate your support and involvement in ensuring that many hear of our efforts! Our heartfelt thank you and appreciation.

Ми хочемо щиро подякувати Провінційній Раді Саскачевану Конгресу Українців Канади за те що підключили нашу волонтерську групу до вашого весняного Вісника і розподілили цілу сторінку задля того щоб ми могли трошки описати хто ми і що ми робимо.

Ми вам низько кланяємося і дякуємо за вашу підтримку!

Urgent Funds needed to pay for Medications for little Angelina

Angelina was born about a month a go with a severe case of Gastroschisis. 

What is Gastroschisis?

Gastroschisis is a birth defect of the abdominal (belly) wall. The baby’s intestines stick outside of the baby’s body, through a hole beside the belly button. The hole can be small or large and sometimes other organs, such as the stomach and liver, can also stick outside of the baby’s body.

In the month since her birth, Angelina has had three surgeries to get her intestines and other organs back inside her body.  She has been doing great and moving forward to the path of slow but steady recovery.  They even let her mom hold her for the first time last week.

Today, we received news that suddenly Angelina's state of health drastically deteriorated and she had to be brought back to intensive care.  Marta, from "Future of Ukraine" had to spend all reserve money that she had nearly $700 dollars (14,000 hryvnia) on three vials of immunoglobulin to help Angelina build up her immune system a bit and help fight bacteria and viruses.

In response to this, "Stream of Hopes" transferred via PayPal $100 Canadian dollars from our general fundraising to help cover some of the expenses.

We hope and pray for Angelina's speedy recovery!

Veronika's Story and Your Donations

Last week we transferred $400 dollars that were raised during the UkieBoutique event. $302 (6,000 hryvnia) went to a very needy family in Zaporizzhia. Their daughter, Veronika who is 2 and a half has a very rare disease called "Cat Cry Syndrome" or "Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome".

What is cri-du-chat syndrome?

Cri-du-chat (cat's cry) syndrome, also known as 5p- (5p minus) syndrome, is a chromosomal condition that results when a piece of chromosome 5 is missing. Infants with this condition often have a high-pitched cry that sounds like that of a cat. The disorder is characterized by intellectual disability and delayed development, small head size (microcephaly), low birth weight, and weak muscle tone (hypotonia) in infancy. Affected individuals also have distinctive facial features, including widely set eyes (hypertelorism), low-set ears, a small jaw, and a rounded face. Some children with cri-du-chat syndrome are born with a heart defect.

The parents have utilized everything they have to help pay for treatment, medication. Doctors have given up on this child but with the perseverance from both parents, they keep defying the doctors and pushing their child forth. Veronika is an extremely compassionate child and very charismatic.  She, despite all of the doctor's predictions have defied them and is sitting, crawling and standing with support. 

Stream of Hopes would like to thank all who donated. Your money will be utilized for treatment of little Veronika. The rest of the money $98 will be utilized to purchase medication for kids with tuberculosis.

A night out with Ukie Boutique ladies

A huge thank you to UkieBoutique and all the ladies who showed up.

Olesya attended an evening which was all about Ukraine and the celebration of strong, beautiful, kind and patriotic UKRAINIAN WOMEN! There was a whole program organized by Emma Nahaylo-Surkan and Iryna Matsiuk of They had a fashion show, an awareness portion during the evening dedicated to Nadia Savchenko and Olesya had a chance to make a presentation about "Stream of Hopes" and our efforts.

The ladies in attendance donated $200 dollars and Emma and Iryna made a matching contribution of $200 on behalf of their business. We truly appreciate all of your generosity, kindness and support.

This money will be sent directly to Ukraine and "Future of Ukraine - Майбутнє України" via PayPal and will go towards one of their big fundraising projects. We will write the details once we have more information.

Щиро дякуємо Еммі та Ірині з UkieBoutique за вчорашній вечір, за вашу доброту і відданість підтримувати Україну та все Українське.

Вечір був насичений показом моди, підтримкою Надії Савченко, та Олеся мала шанс поділитися інформацією про нас, "Потічок Надій".

Ті хто там був, пожертвували і назбирали $200 для нашої групи, та Ірина і Емма додали ще $200 доларів від свого бізнесу.

Ми Вам всім щиро вдячні. Ці гроші ($400 канадських доларів) підуть просто на Україну по PayPal і будуть використані для одного з більших проектів організації "Майбутнє України"

Щиро вам дякуємо!